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The Entertainers We Love


Welcome to The Entertainers We Love Site!


On this site I'll feature all the entertainers we love!
If you would like for me to feature the entertainer you love, just let me know. Please click on "UPDATES" to stay informed of what's new on all sites.

I hope you will enjoy reading everything on this site.

Thank you for visiting our site. Be sure to sign our guestbook so we can thank you for visiting our site. Please discuss about all of the web sites on the message board. Just click on the guestbook and message board below. We would love to see your name on our guestbook and see your topics and replies on our message board. Please click on all of the links on this site. Please enjoy the "Main Site The Entertainers We Love", "Freddie Prinze Site", and "A Tribute to Motown Site". I'll be updating frequently, so please check back often.

All sites are still building, there are a million of things to do to all sites but please enjoy the pages that you are able to view. Thank you very much.

Instructions for the Message Board:
Click on Message Board below
Click on where it says Join
Once you Join and become a member
Then you will be able to post a topic or reply to a topic.

Instructions for the Guestbook:
The ONLY requirement, is your name.

You may click on Freddie Prinze name or his photo below to enter into his site. Please click on the "Freddie Prinze Sr. Fan Club" to join and to help keep Freddie's memory alive!

Freddie Prinze Web Site!

Freddie Prinze Sr. Fan Club


You may click on A Tribute to Motown's name or the Marvelettes photo below to enter into the site.


Actor Michael DeLorenzo


A Beautiful Angel

A film reel; Actual size=240 pixels wide


Motown Webring








Message Board

A Tribute to Motown